Pet owner information

What is QuantumResponse® Technology?

According to the ideas of well-known molecular biologists such as Rupert Sheldrake, Bruce Lipton and others, there is a so-called “blueprint” of our body on an “information level” that describes an optimal, completely healthy body structure. Every biological system (human, animal, environment) constantly tries to adapt to this blueprint through countless regulatory processes. We at Bruce Copen Laboratories also assume that an organism does not only function on the basis of physiochemical laws.

Influences on the body and regulation possibilities

Nowadays, also animals are exposed to multiple stresses, so that the organism has to make great efforts to maintain its regulatory capacity. In order for the body to be able to regulate itself, it is of immense importance to maintain or restore the detoxification capacity. The body’s own detoxification capacity depends strongly on the respective environmental and living conditions.

The micronutrients contained in food affect body functions, as do chemicals and other toxins in food, such as drug residues, pesticides, and fertilizers, as well as electromagnetic waves and low frequencies (these include, for example, in addition to the public power grid, WLAN and cell phone radiation).

The environmental conditions target the molecular and even the genetic level, which means that the animal’s immune system can be weakened by the various influences. Depending on the personal constitution, a susceptibility to infections and allergies can develop, but also chronic diseases can be a result.

With the QuantumResponse® technology, we determine energetic correlations (= resonance reaction) of your animal’s body, mind and soul to certain parameters from different areas with a computer-assisted procedure. A total of over 60,000 stored information patterns are available for this purpose. These parameters provide information about energetic stresses, which in total can impair the physical and psychosocial regulatory (pack, herd) capacity.

How does a treatment usually proceed?

A treatment with QuantumResponse® technology takes place in several steps.

Prior to treatment, a basic medical history and thorough examination are performed during an initial consultation with the pet owner. QuantumResponse® technology can already be used here. The integrated basic scan can provide indications of possible causes for energetic blockages and disturbances. This is usually followed by an initial basic balancing.

The second step is a detailed scan. It is completed in a few moments. In this phase, the organism is offered various energetic aids in rapid succession and its reaction is automatically tested. The decisive factors are the determination of the causes of blockages and disturbances as well as the balancing with the correct vibrations based on this. A resonance reaction (= correlation) of the organism occurs only when the help is needed. The entire analysis is carried out on the basis of DNA-containing substances (fur, blood, etc.).

Based on the results of the analysis scan, the identified disturbed areas can then be balanced and harmonized by means of further energetic impulses.

Depending on which energetic stresses have been identified, your animal therapist will then discuss with you to determine an optimal therapy plan for your animal.

Accompanying measures

Depending on your pet’s medical history and situation, it is often useful to complete the QuantumResponse® Technology balancing with nutritional supplements, herbal therapeutics, homeopathic remedies or other medications. Especially feed and supplements should always be in supportive resonance with the organism of the animal.

QuantumResponse® technology makes it possible to test feed and all other substances your animal comes into contact with (bedding, hay, detergents, grooming products, medications, globules, etc.) for energetic compatibility.

Experience shows that animals whose feeds are continuously tested for good response can benefit greatly in the long term. The treatment of behavioral disorders in animals can also be well supported with QuantumResponse® technology and helps to balance the psyche.

Disorders such as fear, aggressive behavior or uncleanliness can be positively influenced.


How long does a treatment take?

A complete treatment with QuantumResponse® technology takes approximately 30 – 40 minutes.

How many treatments are needed?

The number of treatments is always individually tailored to your pet. Sometimes even a single treatment leads to amazing results. Under certain circumstances, several treatments may also have to be performed at intervals. So, please understand that additional examinations and also follow-ups are necessary for good therapeutic results.

Are there any side effects?

The treatment itself is absolutely painless and has no side effects.

Usually, the treatment gives your animal a strong “charge” with different energy vibrations. These can continue for several days after the treatment. As a result, so-called initial worsening can occur, i.e. your animal seems to be worse for a short time than before the treatment. However, this is actually a “cleaning up or repair action” of the body, so this reaction is to be considered positive. As a rule, these phenomena pass very quickly.

What can you do yourself?

During and for several days after a treatment phase with QuantumResponse® Technology, always provide your animal with plenty of water that is as light as possible (low in minerals). The water helps the body to remove dissolved metabolic products.

Follow the therapy plan of your animal therapist.

For whom is the treatment suitable?

The use of QuantumResponse® technology is suitable for any animal. Only energetic signals are used, so that the method is absolutely painless and harmless even for young, pregnant, older and weakened animals. It can be used as an accompanying energetic measure to conventional veterinary therapies, as well as in Human Medicine, but also in personality training, wellness or in building biology.

Treatment with QuantumResponse® technology belongs to the field of quantum or information medicine.

Due to the current legal situation, therefore please note the following information:

Classical orthodox medicine has neither accepted nor recognized the effect of quantum and information medicine. For the QuantumResponse® technology there is so far no assured scientific proof of effect. The information passed on is based on practical experience reports and application monitoring collected for over 70 years. The devices of Bruce Copen Laboratories are not intended for medical diagnoses and therapies and can therefore not replace them. They can in no way be used as a substitute for medical treatment or medically necessary measures.

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