Bruce Copen Systeme
High-end technology "Made in Germany
Our product range is completely designed, developed, constructed and manufactured in Germany.
Our suppliers come from the region and the devices are assembled by skilled personnel in our factory in Krailing / Munich.
The safety of the devices has been ensured through research, testing and professional exchange with recognised with recognised specialist institutes and laboratories.

Copen QuantumMaster / QScan
Fast - simple and easy to handle!
Select ready-made reports and use a hair sample from the client to quickly and easily create energetic analyses, e.g. on:
- Food intolerance
- Allergies
- Vitamins and minerals
- Sport and fitness
- Electrosmog and environmental pollution
- Subtle anatomy
Copen ScopeQ / Qbit
The professional and cost-effective introduction to quantum medicine.
ScopeQ enables a comprehensive energetic analysis of a biological system. Around 60,000 specific information patterns are available for subsequent balancing. These can be potentized as desired and transferred to carrier material (e.g. unmedicated neutral globules).

Copen Scope / Mars III
Fit for all requirements with high-end technology
Based on current knowledge from quantum medicine, the Copen Scope analyzes energetic deficits within a few minutes and enables a directly subsequent balancing of the disturbed areas. With over 60,000 specific information patterns included and the option to store your own information patterns, to potentize them as desired and to transfer them to carrier materials (e.g. unmedicated neutral globules), you have a maximum of independence and individual customization options.
Copen SuperTuning
Quick to learn and easy to handle
Copen SuperTuning software is used to analyze the need for effective biotriggers and to localize imbalances. The underlying frequencies are made visible on the computer monitor via color scales and color markings indicate which areas should be harmonized. The targeted harmonization and stabilization is carried out either by means of transmission of scalar wave patterns, automatically determined acoustic signals, by a specially developed bio-essence and/or via a precisely calibrated high-power colored light application.

Copen RemedyPro / RemedyPrinter
Your digital energetic pocket pharmacy with over 60,000 test and therapy frequencies
Over 60,000 remedies can be electronically simulated and potentized as desired using the QuantumResponse® technology. In addition, energetic information patterns of existing substances can be read into the software and all information patterns contained in the database can be transferred to carrier substances (e.g. unmedicated neutral globules). RemedyPro is available for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
Copen RatesBook
Copen “RatesBook” is the ultimate digital rates directory for the classic Bruce Copen instruments such as Copen MK2, MK7, MK12 or ASLD95. As a user of a classic Copen radionics instrument, for a long time you only had access to the rates in the printed rate books “Organs and Symptoms”, “Homoeopathic Rates Listings” and “Acupuncture Rates”. These are just over 12,000 rates. However, since the year 2000 our digital systems MARS III, Scope Q and RemedyPro have developed. The data set of rates in these devices has grown to over 60,000. Now, for the first time, as a user (…and lover…) of the classical radionics devices have access to this valuable pool of rates.
Copen RatesBook is also suitable for users of radionics devices from other manufacturers who work according to the “Base 10” rates system.